NAV - Quit - Break - Skip - Exit
When i was searching for the difference of these function, i found the answer from the following blog, i just copied that again for the quick reference.
1. Quit
Quit can only be used in Report, Dataport or XMLport. (Like Currreport.quit). It quits (come out from) the report or dataport or XMLPORT. If some processing of data happened before the quit statement, all of those data manipulations will be reversed (rolled back).
2. Break
Break can be used in 2 places –
a. in any loop (repeat..until) – This statement will break the loop and come out of the loop without further processing. All the data manipulation before this statement will remain intact.
b. In a report or dataport or XMLport. This statement will take you out from any trigger (like on prereport, Onpresection etc)
SKIP is only used in Report / Dataport / XMLPORT. This statement skips the iteration of a dataitem.
EXIT normally used in functions / triggers to return a value. (say a function returns a numeric value –
Myfunction(integer A, Integer B) Integer—
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